


The movie "Die, Monster, Die" was based on which H.P. Lovecraft story?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

The Shadow Over Innsmouth
In The Walls Of Eryx
The Colour Out Of Space
Cool Air

What was the title of John Grisham's first published novel?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

A Time To Kill
The Firm
The Client
The Pelican Brief

Who enforces the thoughtcrime laws in "Nineteen Eighty-Four"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Big Sheriffs
Idea Constables
Thought Knights
Thought Police

The book "Grey Lensman" was written by whom?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Daniel Keyes
Alfred Bester
E E "Doc" Smith
Hal Clement

Where does the Arthur Miller play "Death of a Salesman" end?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

In A Butcher Shop
At A Supermarket
Willy's Funeral
In The Kitchen

Who is Harry Bosch's new rookie partner in Michael Connelly's "The Overlook"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Rachel Walling
Iggy Ferras
Sophie Neveu
Stanley Kent

What book genre is "The Giver"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Science Fiction

Which story is about uncovering evidence of a scientific trickery?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Deception Point
From Pieces To Weight
Lyon's Gate
Bergdorf Blondes

What is the basic premise of "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi Picoult?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

A School Shooting
A Horrific Plane Crash
An Alaskan Love Story
A Sister Dying

In what city did Allen Ginsberg first recite his poem "Howl"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

San Francisco
New York City

Who wrote the book "The Right Stuff"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Carl Sagan
Alan Shepard
Tom Wolfe
John Glenn

The book "I, Robot" was written by whom?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Harlan Ellison
Iain M Banks
Isaac Asimov
Walter M Miller

What 20th-century American author was an ambulance driver in World War One?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

T.S. Eliot
Ernest Hemingway
William Faulkner
F. Scott Fitzgerald

What was the name of Buck's kind owner in Alaska, in the "Call of the Wild"?

Knowledge / Literature Trivia /

Buck Buchanon
Mike Wallace
John Thornton
John Brown



Randy Enos Dennis the Menace Agnes Bill Day Darrin Bell Cul de Sac