From the Right



Projections vs. Scenarios, and Why Politicians Should Care

Congressional Budget Office projections provide valuable insights into how a big chunk of your income is being spent and reveal the long-term consequences of our government's current fiscal policies -- you may endure them, and your children most certainly will. Yet, like most other projections looking into our future, these numbers should be ...Read more

Making It Easier to Make Things in America

With more tariffs on electric vehicles and an election featuring two pro-tariff presidential candidates on the way, the debate about how best to support and strengthen the U.S. manufacturing sector is back. Some argue, mistakenly, that the key to protecting American industries and manufacturing jobs is a set of tariffs on industrial imports. ...Read more

Why No Politician Can 'Fix' Prices (and Why That's OK)

Prices are threads stitching together the fabric of our economy. They guide countless producers, here and abroad, to meet the most urgent demands of countless consumers. Prices enable the economic coordination of millions of individuals -- each with his or her own unique preferences, skills and resources -- with no need for a central planner. ...Read more

Is the Union Resurgence Real? Does It Matter for Workers?

Unions are said to be having a moment. The story goes something like this: Helped by a presidential administration that touts itself as the "most pro-union in history," labor unions -- after decades of decline -- are winning big victories against anti-union corporations and extracting impressive concessions for their workers. But is it all ...Read more

Will California Hobble the US Railroad Industry?

American federalism is struggling. Federal rules are an overwhelming presence in every state government, and some states, due to their size or other leverage, can impose their own policies on much or all of the country. The problem has been made clearer by an under-the-radar plan to phase out diesel locomotives in California. If the federal ...Read more

Stop the 'Emergency Spending' Charade Already

This week, Congress moved closer to passing four separate bills with $95 billion in funding for Ukraine, Israel, Indo-Pacific allies and the domestic submarine industrial base. This funding has been debated for months, with much of it intended for wars that have been going on -- and likely will continue -- for a while. In other words, it's not...Read more

Tax Time Myths and Truths

Another Tax Day has come and gone, and most Americans believe they pay too much. One recent poll revealed that 56% say they pay more than their fair share. Unfortunately, I fear this is just the beginning considering the insane level of debt Washington policymakers have accumulated over the years. With this in mind, here are some important ...Read more

America's Fiscal Ethos: From Alexander Hamilton's Day to Our Own

Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle recently wrote that the best argument made in favor of limiting the size of the stimulus during the Great Recession -- part of a larger conversation about austerity -- was one of ethos. "We weren't spending the money in theory," she wrote, "or in 1945, when an ethos of fiscal responsibility prevailed. We...Read more

Washington's 'Job Creation' Circus Is Hitting the Road

In the grand circus of politics, where elephants and donkeys alike perform under the big top, there's one act that never fails to draw a crowd: the venerable "job creation" routine. Putting people back to work, especially those without college degrees and in the manufacturing world, is in the center ring. Unfortunately, when you look behind ...Read more

Americans Can Tell the Difference Between Rosy Economic Data and Reality

The economy is growing, unemployment is low, wages are up, and inflation is down. However, the American people remain grumpy about the state of the economy. This puzzle was just investigated by four economists. They found that people often know that something is wrong even if statistics don't reflect the problem. In this case, people are ...Read more

US Steel-Nippon Steel: A Global Deal for American Prosperity

The Pennsylvania-based U.S. Steel company recently agreed to be purchased by the Tokyo-headquartered publicly traded company Nippon Steel. This deal makes sense to economists. It will encourage other foreign companies to invest in the U.S., creating wealth and new job opportunities, and further shoring up the U.S. economy, particularly amid ...Read more

Biden's Corporate Tax Hike: Populism Versus Economic Literacy

In the latest volley of policy proposals that seem more rooted in populist rhetoric than economic knowledge, President Joe Biden's budget plan to hike the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% strikes me as particularly misguided. This move, ostensibly aimed at ensuring a "fair share" of contributions from corporate America, is a glaring ...Read more

A New Fiscal Commission Must Heed the Lesson of '97

The Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee made news recently by announcing that if his party is serious about changing the fiscal path we are on, they'll have to consider raising taxes. Politics is about compromise, so the chairman is right. Every side must give a little. However, "putting taxes on the table" is not as simple a fix...Read more



Jack Ohman Gary McCoy David Fitzsimmons Ed Wexler Mike Luckovich Jimmy Margulies