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US pushes for 'last chance' of Gaza truce as Blinken visits

Henry Meyer and Fadwa Hodali, Bloomberg News on

Published in News & Features

In a sign of progress, Israel may be willing to compromise on the number of hostages freed in return for allowing Palestinian prisoners out of jail in an initial phase of any deal, Israeli media reported. Hamas had said it can’t free 40 women, elderly or sick captives as demanded in return for a six-week cease-fire, because it doesn’t have enough hostages in that category. Egypt has suggested a three-week truce in exchange for freeing 20 hostages, the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday, citing Egyptian officials.

Under a previous proposal, a second phase would free men and soldiers under 50, followed by a third phase for the release of the bodies of hostages that should lead to a permanent end to the war, according to U.S. officials.

Axios cited two senior Israeli officials who weren’t identified as saying that Israel is ready to give “one last chance” for the negotiations before moving forward with a ground invasion of Rafah.

Netanyahu’s room for maneuver is limited because he heads the most right-wing government in Israel’s history. His firebrand coalition allies, including Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, oppose a hostage deal right now, which could bring his administration down. They both warned in posts on X Sunday not to risk his government’s existence.

Qatar, which has also been mediating, warned that neither side is showing sufficient flexibility. “We have expressed frustration regarding the level of commitment of both parties,” Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majed Al Ansari told Israel’s Kan state channel in an interview aired on Saturday.

The U.S. State Department said last week it was of “dire importance” for a hostage deal to be done “immediately,” and blamed Hamas for holding it up.


Netanyahu, meanwhile, has frustrated a U.S. bid to work with Arab allies — including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt — to secure Gaza’s future after hostilities end, by refusing their demand to endorse the goal of an independent Palestinian state.

Israel has also resisted the idea of giving the Palestinian Authority that rules in the West Bank responsibility for Gaza, raising the prospect of open-ended Israeli occupation.


(With assistance from Galit Altstein and Courtney McBride.)


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